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The Beginning

Writer's picture: Amanda WhiteAmanda White

My friends and coworkers knew the only night I wouldn't attend happy hour or the normal nightly debauchery would be Tuesdays because that was yoga night.  My wrists would ache from being on my hands so long and every muscle in my body would tremble during and after the class. There was something about how good I felt after class that got me hooked. This yoga thing was physically challenging and I never felt more connected to my body. It was as though something that died within me was awakening and I loved it!  

I stayed committed once a week for almost a year when I got laid off from my advertising job for the second time that year. With all the time in the world but no money, I didn't hesitate to put the teacher training tuition on a credit card and go for it! I'm going to become a yoga teacher!

The training days were grueling and what the rest of the class did so effortlessly was crazy difficult for me.  Afterall, I was brand new to this stuff while some of my peers had been going to classes for almost a decade.  Clearly, they had an advantage or natural talent that I didn't possess. It seemed I was the runt out of the litter. When it came to the end and I had to teach my final test, I procrastinated like the best of them.  My mom said "you didn't spend all that money to not complete it, get your certificate!" She was right! I practiced and taught everyone who would let me and I somehow passed. It was terrifying! 

But now what? I needed a job! I didn't know yoga, but I knew networking and I was good at it. I got a part time job one hour away at The Aventura Mall at lululemon.  I knew I would meet yoga people there! Well, I did and my lululemon gig turned into an accidental side 5-year career that I loved so much. I started teaching yoga part time (5 classes a week) while in the corporate world. I opened two stores and managed a team of up to 60 people at one point! It was great, but something in my soul was dying as I was noticing the shift away from a community focus and into sales and profits. It wasn't for me anymore. I was ready to quit (not really....I felt like I was going to puke for two months straight during the transition) and teach yoga full time!

That was June 2014. I took on more community classes at various local studios, signed a few private clients, developed a teacher training program which launched in January 2016, and hosted my first yoga retreat in collaboration with Vault Fitness.  It was the beginning.  

In the almost 15-year journey since my first 200hr TT at Yoga South back in 2009 I have met so many amazing people, traveled all over the world, and trained so many to do the same in their communities.  My career in yoga continues to have its ups and downs like any career, and I feel beyond blessed to have the opportunity to share my passion for yoga, travel, spirituality, movement, and health with the world.  

What are you going to say "yes" to this year?  How will it shape you?  How will it mold the trajectory of your path, your purpose, your fate?

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