Fall always facilitates such an obvious change in seasons and weather where I grew up in Maine. However, in South Florida, we don't get to bask in the change of seasons so much. SF has its own perks that I love so much, but falling leaves, apple picking, and sweater weather do not contribute to the list.
I turn towards nature for most of my inspiration, so when the change of seasons starts to shift and I don't have the natural changes I grew up with around me, I know I have to create that change from within.
I've been enjoying more down time at home and alone with God. Cooking for myself WAY more than ever before and cultivating changes within my thought patterns that I pray are leading me towards more health, love, adventure, and freedom.
Here's my new favorite protein pancake recipe I found on Instagram that I just tried this Sunday morning! It packs some serious energy giving protein! The pancakes still tasted like the traditional ones I know and love, but even lighter and fluffier. And instead of feeling groggy after the indulgence, I felt energized for the rest of the day.  Check it out and let me know what you think!
Protein Pancakes
2 C. Cottage cheese
4 Eggs
1.25 C oats (I blended solo before I mixed in everything else)
1 tsp. Vanilla extract
3 tbsp syrup
1 tbsp baking power
Mix in a blender (I used a food processor)
Cook like pancakes
This may become my new Sunday ritual after teaching classes at Mission Yoga. Â
What changes are you facilitating for yourself these days and in this season?